Even if we’re surrounded on all sides, smash through the walls! Caught in bitter darkness and a whirlpool of roars… But loneliness accompanies every new beginning. He passed away on April 7th, 2006. One of the main mystical type-figures of the Gnostic system. (figuratively, of one's character) Hard, unyielding, inexorable. Adamas was born on March 28th, 1933 in Moscow. Anything which is inflexible, firm or lasting. 4 [September 1902] | Various The alleged magical powers of the magnet are recited in Caput I., Adamas . Formerly also (without reference to classical writers): †a diamond (obsolete). There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names If the direction of the wind doesn’t suit … 12 No. adamās m (genitive adamantis); third declension. Adamas was born on December 20th, 1995. The fingerspelling provided here is most commonly used for proper names of people and places; it is also used in some languages for concepts for which no sign is available at that moment. Adamas Golodets was a soccer player for the FC Dynamo Moscow, FC Dynamo Kyiv, and Neftchi PFK. A very hard substance mentioned by Pliny and other classical writers, variously identified. A very hard substance mentioned by Pliny and other classical writers, variously identified. Formerly also (without reference to classical writers): †a diamond (obsolete). adamas Find more words! Birds and Nature, Vol. Adamant; the hardest steel or iron; diamond; an object made of adamant. The name Diamond comes from the Greek adamas, which means unconquerable. Adamas in English Adamas (Greek) Adamant, inflexible; used by Greek and Latin writers for a stone (as a diamond) of impenetrable hardness.