As always, your ideal boat is dependant on what you and your family require. You can find deck boats that come pre-equipped with a topper, life jackets, and additional safety equipment. If you’re searching for the perfect family boat, you may have run across a question that lots of folks have asked — what’s the difference between a deck boat and a bowrider? But in reality, it’s like comparing apples and oranges — there’s much more to the … Deck boats typically have a fiberglass bottom. Bowrider boats are affordable and can be bought in a larger size to increase the maximum capacity of the boat. Deck Boat Bowrider. Both have loads of room. Simple as that. betw een bowriders and deck boats really isn’t that dif ficult — just point to the bow and say, “Ther e.” The deck boat has a rounded bow and the bowrider has a narrow bow. These are a type of boat that is excellent to “do it all” on the water. Bottom Line: Deck Boat vs Bowrider. So, you’re interested to know how deck boats and bowriders compare against each other. Often when people consider a deck boat, they often compare it to a pontoon boat. Though, some would argue that a deck boat is closer in terms of looks and capabilities to a bowrider. Deck boats are expensive as compared to the bowrider boats. Deck boats are newer than bowriders and can be described as a crossover between a bowrider and a pontoon boat. But while a deck boat may have the edge in pure space, a bowrider has lots of performance nuances that deserve your attention, too. As the boat has a V-shape in front, it doesn’t have ample space in the front but the sitting area at the back of the boat suffices it. If you need ample space, a deck boat or a bowrider would be a perfect choice. Well they have their similarities, but they also have their differences which