You may have heard that diabetes causes eye problems and may lead to blindness. The best way to prevent this disease is to view the sun through certified solar filters. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at a heightened risk for eye complications and peripheral neuropathy. Will vision come back after damage from looking at the sun during a solar eclipse? Central serous retinopathy does not always produce symptoms. They grow into the gel that fills the eye called the vitreous. Such exposure leads to damage of the macula, the most important part of the retina in charge with central, high resolution vision. Solar retinopathy is a medical condition that develops as a consequence of prolonged exposure of the eyes to solar radiation, to be more precise it occurs due to staring at the sun or viewing a solar eclipse. When diabetes causes the retinal blood vessels to die, the retina grows new blood vessels that are disorganized and of poor quality. "The part that's damaged is the macula, the thinnest part of the retina, which controls the sharpest, centermost part of vision," she says, noting that this part of the eye is also more prone to burning than the rest of it. But most people who have diabetes have nothing more than minor eye disorders over time.

It is possible that fluid may build up in areas that are not around the macula, which is responsible for clear central vision. Doctors give trusted, helpful answers on causes, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, and more: Dr. Lalezary on solar retinopathy: It is actually a tractional retinal detachment. Complete blindness does not occur due to solar retinopathy.Treatment and Prevention for Solar Retinopathy. MAR 28, 2017. Answer: A solar burn from an eclipse damages the very center of vision. I cannot see properly through this eye now. Question: My left eye lens has been burned by viewing the solar eclipse. Is there a treatment for this? People usually notice symptoms of solar retinopathy — including blurry vision, discolored spots in vision, pain, or a loss of central vision — by the next day. Solar retinopathy is like a sunburn on the retina, a layer of tissue at the back of your eye, Habash tells BuzzFeed Health. People with diabetes do have a higher risk of blindness than people without diabetes.

Binoculars, exposed photographic or radiographic film and … There is no specific treatment for solar retinopathy. The patients are usually given oral corticosteroids and antioxidants to improve injury to the retina.