Yousef’s Falling in a Dream Dreaming about falling from the horse suggests that the opponent will beat you and you should be careful to avoid a great loss. If the weight is heavy on the carrier, it means trouble or harm caused by one’s neighbor. Falling off high buildings may also reflect feelings of falling into depression after being very upbeat. Alternatively, you may be watching somebody else fall from a cliff edge or other high places such as bridges or mountains. Are you dreaming of a particular individual falling to their death over and over in the same dream? If by any chance, you see someone else is falling off a cliff, and you are just the observer, it symbolizes the expectation termination of some part in your life, and it can be a current job, or something else. What does it mean to dream of seeing someone fall into a ravine or seeing a plane fall? But if you fall off, you’ll feel you have no choice. Diving off a cliff, or seeing someone else dive off a cliff, indicates welcoming a challenge. If the cliff dream features you or someone falling off a cliff accidentally, it means that you are going through a difficult time and are afraid of what is ahead for you. My best friend and I both fell over a snowy cliff and were hanging on for dear life. The causes of a falling dream. Perhaps you finally comprehend some previously misunderstood … Falling off a cliff in your dream or experiencing someone falling off a cliff could be a message that your subconscious is sending you about the need to release the pressure and stop worrying about others so much. Warns of danger of accidents, run over by vehicles, it surprises attacks such as assaults. A dream of falling can have a … Dream about falling from a cliff? Interpretation ideas? Dreams of someone shooting themselves in the head or you shoot yourself in the dream: Shooting in dreams is generally connected to coming to a “conclusion” thus, to see someone shooting themselves in the head in dreams means a new start and a brighter tomorrow. To help you understand your dream know that how you felt about the dream is more important than the action in the dream. A cliff in a dream is indicative of a major decision about to take place in the individual’s waking life. If the place from which you fall is large and intimidating, then it makes sense your dreams are concerned with something large and intimidating. Dreaming of falling off a cliff. Diving off a cliff, or seeing someone else dive off a cliff, indicates welcoming a challenge.... Dream Explanations of Astro Center falling out window dream interpretations ... Dreaming falling off a cliff is ad has neglected something and that it can be easy victim of fraud or suffer serious illnesses.