Hide similar threads Similar threads with keywords - Official, GameCube, memory Backup GameCube Saves from Official Nintendo Memory Cards? They might work properly, but they are definitely not a genuine Nintendo product like the description would lead you to believe. Received the Gamecube Memory Card 251 today, and it's a fake item. Especial Dyson Hasta un 30% de Descuento Comprar. Memory Card: Permite guardar los datos de diferentes juegos, había tres diferentes versiones oficiales: gris (59 bloques), negra (251 bloques) y blanca (1019 bloques).Aparecieron versiones no oficiales que podían soportar hasta 3000 bloques. Would you like to continue without loading or saving game data?" I'm playing two GameCube games that require two separate memory card files (.raw) since the two games are from different regions. Se colocaba en la parte frontal del GameCube justo debajo de la conexión de los mandos. Wii Backwards Compatible with GameCube; GameCube Controller; GameCube Memory Card; SD Card (does not require USB stick unless you don't have a PC with the SD Card slot) Hacked with the Homebrew Channel (you can hack your Wii very easily just by using an SD Card) Now to the instructions on how to get NGC Backups working on Wii BC-NGC PC - Part 1/2 Memory Cards are storage devices that are used to store game data for the Nintendo Gamecube. Hacer oferta - 32MB Memory Card Block For Nintendo Wii Gamecube GC Game System Console NWUSyu. W hat , Mar 24, 2011 , in forum: Wii - Hacking versión 1.4d. I play Super Smash Bros. Melee on my wii. well a friend of mine gave me his gamecube memory card since he no longer has his gamecube I was going to use for some new games I got but I found out its corrupted and needs to be formatted but I dont have a gamecube to do that and I'm not sure if its possible to do it on the nintendo wii so in short is it possible to format gamecube memory cards on wii Purificador calefactor Pure frio/calor Dyson Blanco Nuevo- (Sin Wifi) The games are … 32MB Memory Card Block For Nintendo Wii Gamecube GC Game System Console NWUSyu. El GCMM (GameCube Memory Manager) es una aplicación que nos permite hacer un backup de las partidas de los juegos de GameCube en una SD desde la memory card, asi que ya no teneis problemas si se te estropea una partida o tu Memory Card se queda sin nada de memoria, ahora es simple; lo grabas en tu PC, lo copias cuando lo necesites y ya está, tu partida ahí está, en tu SD. the other day my sister kicked the console and now it can't read a memory card in Slot A. It says "No Memory Card in Slot A. 5,87 EUR.