Login to reply the answers Post; HunnyBunny. Here are some pointers, don't over do it though. Also, chugging beer can lead to stupid, dangerous behavior, so I'd advise you to chug one for show, then sip for the rest of the night. ... take a knee, and chug it. Smirnoff “Icing” has become extremely popular among everyone from frat bros to office Joes. Lv 4. If you're talking about smirnoff hard liquor then it would be really hard because smirnoff taste like sh*t. Source(s): myself- I love Grey Goose - 0 0 0. You've heard of Smirnoff Ice, and you've seen the videos posted online, but if you're still scratching your head over the icing trend, read on, friend. Secondly you say chug fast like a race, so here is the secret either bottled or canned you can't tilt the bottle or can all the way up, otherwise you get the large air bubbles that need to go up and momentarily slow down the flow of beer. To understand how to properly chug a beer, you just need to know a few basic mechanics. You don't want to fill your throat with liquid, just pour it down. I saw a gif on the front page today (couldn't find it again) and got an incredibly rudimentary description in the comments, and would like to know more. If someone presents you with a Smirnoff Ice, you have to get down on one knee and chug it, no matter where you are or what you are doing. Smirnoff Ice is pretty easy to chug so go for it. The rules are simple. ... How to "open your throat" to chug large amount of liquid super quickly. How to "open your throat" to chug large amount of liquid super quickly. by Paula Caplan 10 years ago. Warm beer is much easier then ice cold beer. How to Chug Beer: Tips from the World’s Fastest Beer Miler Lewis Kent won the 2015 Beer Mile World Championships in part due to his lightning-fast chugging. Icing is a drinking game and internet meme popular in 2010, in which one person conceals a bottle of Smirnoff Ice in a place that another individual will find it: upon doing so, they are immediately required to kneel and drink it. Chugging a beer can be great fun and friendly competition with friends. The trick with opening your throat is pour fast but slow enough (or controlled enough) to allow air to be over the liquid. And you better not deny that Ice… How to Chug a Beer.