JOHN LANCHESTER: It’s about an island nation where climate change and massive displacement of population mean that the whole island is surrounded by a five-meter-high concrete wall. The Wall, by John Lanchester, Faber & Faber, RRP£14.99, 288 pages. John Lanchester’s fifth novel begins with a kind of coded warning to the reader – and, perhaps, to the author too. Join our online book group on Facebook at FTBooksCafe. This dystopian novel pictures a future where what remains of England is protected by the ’National Coastal Defence Structure’ commonly referred to as ‘the Wall’. The Wall (2019), a dystopian novel by John Lanchester, takes place on …

This massive concrete erection is a bulwark designed to protect against encroaching high sea-levels and to prevent the intrusion of immigrants, referred to as ‘the Others’. SuperSummary, a modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Subscribe to FT Life on YouTube for the latest FT Weekend videos. THE WALL by John Lanchester falls into a genre that I call "unapologetic lad-lit." Like some lost work by George Orwell, The Wall reveals what's in front of all our noses. John Lanchester’s fifth novel begins with a kind of coded warning to the reader – and, perhaps, to the author too. Joshua Ferris
Freezing conditions plague life on the defensive wall – or “National Coastal Defence Structure” – that protects a future Britain from incursions by climate-change migrants in small boats. To order a copy for £9.99 go to or call 0330 333 6846. Freezing conditions plague life on the defensive wall – or “National Coastal Defence Structure” – that protects a future Britain from incursions by climate-change migrants in small boats. Culture Books John Lanchester on The Wall: 'I've written a version of the path we're on. Book by book, John Lanchester proves himself one of our necessary writers, equal in wit, good nature, and fundamental sanity to whatever insane thing the new century throws at us. by John Lanchester ... as impenetrable as the Wall, is the Captain, Kavanagh’s commander, who in time reveals that the monolithic state of elites, soldiers, and all the rest is less impervious than it appears, bringing on a sequence of events that finds Kavanagh, Hifa, and the Captain on the outside, in a Hobbesian world, desperate to get back in. John Lanchester's The Wall. Free UK p&p over £15, online orders only. • The Wall by John Lanchester is published by Faber (£14.99). This one-page guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of The Wall by John Lanchester. Lanchester’s view is unblinking, his …