When Mr. Rogers died several years ago, he had millions of "neighbors" all over the world and, although he was quite famous, he never thought of himself as a TV star. So when the Samaritan helped the traveling Jew, he helped Jesus. All of a sudden, something went horribly wrong in … “Who Is My Neighbor?” Luke 10:25-37. .” 1. . We spent part of last fall probing this popular parable in the context of our first core value: Welcome Beloved.Beloved pertains both to the welcomed and the welcomer because God loves all people, the righteous and unrighteous alike. Luke 10:25-37. by Daniel Harrell. Everyone knew that "neighbor" meant Israelite. Please won't you be my neighbor. Today’s message is going to be a different kind of a message. February 18, 2018 Hosea 4:1-6 Luke 10:26-37. “How do you read it?” He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and… A newer sermon on this text is here.I preached on this text just a few months ago, to a different congregation, so the first part of this sermon is that sermon, with a few tweaks. Please won't you be my neighbor. Luke 10:25-29 . ♣ Prayer of the week - God give me a desire to be in relationship with my literal neighbors. As many lawyers also know, they know the loopholes. Pastor Keith Hassell Foundation Scripture: Luke 10:25-27 I. Loving God and loving your neighbor (Luke 10:27) A. Luke 10:25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?” How often do people come to us with feigned questions, setting a trap? “Do this and you will live!” The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus replied with a story: “A Jewish man was traveling from Jerusalem down to Jericho, and he was attacked by bandits. Reporters do it to politicians often. In our Old Testament reading from Hosea, the people of God at this time were pretty much doing what they wanted to do. It was an ordinary day of commuting for Cameron Roberts. Rather, Who Is Your Father!?! He said, "I always thought I was a neighbor who just came in for a visit." Is my neighbor the people in my community? The religious leader was basically saying, “Well, sure I should love my neighbor as myself … but who is actually worthy to be counted as my neighbor?” This set Jesus off on one of the most well-known sermons ever preached. Is my neighbor the people in my church? When we go and do likewise, when we love our neighbors, when we are moved with pity and we show mercy, we are not only obeying … ♣ A good neighbor always trumps a good program. He went to seminary. Mister Rogers spends his lifetime speaking to children about "being a good neighbor" in the language of "Freddish"--in a way that they can understand it. Throughout the week, we sang songs in different languages and we prayed together. His is the face we see when we see our neighbor. .” B. But most of all, we have to ask that question Mr. Rogers asked so many times, and not just to the people we want to ask it of, but to everyone: Won’t you be my neighbor? Who Is My Neighbor According To Jesus? The neighbor is the object, the one of whom the three other characters encounter. Frank Pollard Luke 10:25-37 ''On one occasion,'' says the text. Today's focus is on our choices. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. I mean surely my neighbor is someone who treats me like a neighbor should… helps out when needed, puts up with my impatience, and turns a blind eye to my faults – that’s a neighbor. Who Is My Neighbor. But events of this past week have demanded that I speak to the violence that has overwhelmed us, and the need to remind my very white congregation that Black Lives Matter TEXTS: Acts 17:26-27: “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. But I believe it also contains a “miracle” of sorts. Won't you please, won't you please. He said, "I always thought I was a neighbor who just came in for a visit." On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. Who is My Neighbor? No cardigan or sneakers or singing are required…just a sincere conviction in our hearts and this question that is so much harder than it sounds: Won’t you be my neighbor. And this lawyer was savvy. Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Jesus delivers this compelling story to answer “who is my neighbor”, but as his the story unfolds, Jesus miraculously turns a NOUN into a VERB. But in the end, Jesus says the Samaritan who helped his man "proved to be the neighbor" (Luke 12:36–37). This lawyer, as all lawyers do, knows the law. We all need to understand and answer that question.