Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. High-power industrial and telecom applications have so far stolen the fiber-laser spotlight. There are literally hundreds of other medical uses for the laser. Various types of lasers and pulse energies are used based on the absorption properties of the target tissue. And even in those that do respond to laser treatments, a doctor may have a good reason for choosing a different method in a specific case. In recent years, Low- Intensity- Lasers became more and more important as their range of applications is extremely broad. Modulight builds very sophisticated, medical applications hardware certification ready laser … Within a very short period of their discovery, they had welI-formulated biological and medical applications. In surgery, lasers are used to cut, coagulate and vaporize. 3mikron™ represents an innovative and unique technology for the medical laser industry. Laser damage to the area of sharpest vision, the macula, is particularly serious, as it can significantly reduce or even eliminate the visual acuity as well as colour perception. AIthough the theoretical basis for it was established in 1917 by Einstein, the techniques and materials necessary for building a laser … The earliest medical applications for lasers were in ophthalmology and dermatology. Still, numerous medical conditions cannot be helped by laser light. Just a year after the invention of the laser in 1960, Leon Goldman demonstrated how a ruby laser, which emits red light, could be used to remove port wine stains, a type of birthmark, and melanomas from the skin. The most widely spread eye-related laser application is the reshaping of the cornea of the eye for improving eyesight. The discovery of the laser is no exception. Laser medicine consists in the use of lasers in medical diagnosis, treatments, or therapies, such as laser photodynamic therapy, photorejuvenation, and laser surgery Lasers. Here are top 10 medical applications of laser: Using Laser Technology for Eye Surgery. Lasers for Medical Applications summarises the wealth of recent research on the principles, technologies and application of lasers in diagnostics, therapy and surgery. The Principle. Laser and its medical applications S.SELVAKUMAR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR THAMIRABHARANI ENGINEERING COLLEGE TIRUNELVELI 9042474329(MOBILE) kumartvl88@gmail.com(E-MA… Medical Laser Applications.

But lower-power applications in surgery, imaging, and aesthetics are not far behind. LASER Applications of Lasers. Medical Laser Application publishes interdisciplinary original contributions from all fields of technical and scientific research and clinical applications of lasers in medicine for diagnostics and therapy. If the so-called blind spot, where the visual nerves emerge into the retina, is damaged by a laser beam, this can result in total blindness. It has various unique properties such as coherence, monochromacity, directionality, and high intensity. Lasers are successfully used in medicine since a long time. It is the only technology for high power diode pumped mid-IR lasers which meets the needs of manufacturers and users regarding efficiency, reliability, maintenance and compactness of a laser solution. The earliest medical applications for lasers were in ophthalmology and dermatology. Cairo University Celebrates Forty Fifth Anniversary of October Victory; Cairo University President Meets Vice-President of Renmin University of China to Discuss Means of Cooperation of Belt and Road Initiative with Ain Shams University President Attending Part one gives an overview of the use of lasers in medicine, key principles of lasers and radiation interactions with tissue. Being the official journal of the German Society for Laser Medicine, it represents the forum of the largest group of medical laser researchers and users in Europe. Just a year after the invention of the laser in 1960, Leon Goldman demonstrated how a ruby laser, which emits red light, could be used to remove port wine stains, a type of birthmark, and melanomas from the skin. Laser is an optical device that generates intense beam of coherent monochromatic light by stimulated emission of radiation.. Laser light is different from an ordinary light. The technique is called LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis.